Survivors For Solutions’ Submitted Comment to CMS on IRA Implementation

On April 11, Survivors For Solutions submitted a comment in the Federal Register criticizing the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) implementation guidance for the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) drug price negotiation program. This program would negatively impact medical innovation efforts and monumentally affect the patients with various illnesses and diseases downstream. The development of new cures and treatments should never be attacked by government policy, and it is, therefore, extremely discouraging that this comment is yet to have been published by CMS. For comparison, when we submitted a comment back in February to express support for the value that post-approval research and development bring to patients hoping for a new cure or treatment, the comment was made public within two days of submission.

Please read the public comment below and share it with patients and survivors. If CMS wants to drag its feet in acknowledging our qualms with this disastrous program, we won’t be sitting on our hands. Everyone should spread this comment far and wide:

Survivors For Solutions’ Submitted Comment to CMS on IRA Implementation


Inside Sources: CMS Charges Ahead with Drug Price Controls Despite Patient Concerns


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