SFS’s Response to President Biden’s Celebration of the IRA In His SOTU

February 7, 2023 – The nonpartisan patient advocacy group, Survivors for Solutions, started by a patient who has managed his MS for 30 years, provided a patient perspective on the State of the Union:

“Controlling the price of a few drugs comes with a heavy price. Make no mistake, the razor-thin majority of those in power last year ended decades of successful, bipartisan consensus supporting innovation and competition. The previous consensus resulted in a pipeline of cures and bigger savings overall. 

“The ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ ended all of that. America’s leadership in providing the world with cutting-edge medicine, as well as supplying patients such as myself with lifesaving options, will pay the price. That price is in the form of fewer breakthroughs, more unchecked illnesses, and rising costs – especially for Medicare.

“That’s no ‘moonshot,’ it’s a potshot at Americans hoping for a cure.”

John Czwartacki

Founder & Chairman


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