SFS New Year’s Resolutions

It’s time for everyone’s resolutions, personal and professional.  At Survivors For Solutions, the new year means bringing about a new kind of advocacy by patients for patients. In our first “new year,” I thought to spell out our hopes, aspirations, and goals to help demonstrate what we’re all about and, more importantly, what we’re fighting for. Here are Survivors for Solutions’ 2023 resolutions:

  1. Explain to newly elected Members of Congress the importance of hope to patients suffering from disease and illness.

  2. Inform Congressional and public efforts around implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act and related policy of its unintended consequences.

  3. Gather and amplify the stories of survivors who have thrived because of scientific breakthroughs and subsequent cures, treatments, and therapies. 

  4. Help unite the current vibrant but balkanized patient advocate efforts into a federation of voices to promote and preserve the hope of the American life-science ecosystem. 

  5. Be a strong voice for the voiceless, including those in the midst of their own fight to stay alive. Including those looking to aid future generations and may not even yet be diagnosed currently with life-altering illnesses but would like to preserve a healthy cadence of cures.

  6. Help identify and propose effective ways to lower the costs of health care without hampering the quality of care for patients. 

  7. Effectively work to preserve the letter and spirit of the Hatch-Waxman and its benefits to humanity.

  8. Identify bad actors and evidence of systemic exploitation in the public health industry that drives up the cost of health care. 

  9. Celebrate the medical successes and breakthroughs brought about by innovators that have become commonplace miracles in the lives of survivors.

  10. Defend the role of American innovation in medicine and life sciences and the benefits it brings the global community. 

We all can take a moment at the start of a new year to reflect on the choices our leaders will be facing in 2023 concerning health policy. Importantly, how will they be able to come to the right decision if the voices of patients aren’t heard? Are they considering the downstream consequences to current and future patients?

Innovation ignites hope in the hearts of everyone in the fight to survive an illness.

This is why, in 2023 and beyond, Survivors For Solutions believes that @hopemattersmost.


Fox News Radio: Remaining Optimistic Through The Toughest Diagnosis


National Review: As Predicted, Patients Are Paying the Price for the Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Reform