Press Release: Survivors for Solutions Releases 2024 Choices Roadmap


July 15, 2024 


Survivors for Solutions Releases 2024 Choices Roadmap 

Roadmap serves to educate the public on pro-patient healthcare policies 

WASHINGTON, DC – Survivors for Solutions released a 2024 Choices Roadmap to educate the public on various healthcare policies' potential benefits and harms. This roadmap serves as a critical tool to provide information on what policies patients oppose—such as those that limit access to new and existing cures—and which innovation-incentivizing, access-increasing policies patients support.  

At a glance, the roadmap includes a “GPA Scale” to help users understand how current health policies may impact their care delivery or access to existing or future treatments. This scale should empower patients so that they can be the judge of policymakers’ proposals and determine if they are safe or dangerous to their medical care. A social media toolkit is also included for advocates who want to raise their concerns about dangerous policies.   

“Patients like me remain strongly opposed to policies that support the use of price controls, allow for intellectual property confiscation, permit insurer use of prior authorization or other discriminatory measures, and allow bad actors, like PBMs, to go unchecked,” said Survivors for Solutions Founder and Chairman John Czwartacki. “As the roadmap outlines, each of these ill-advised plans cut off patient access to existing drugs or slash the hope for the development of future cures and treatments. Any policymaker who supports policies that may restrict access to current or future innovation noticeably has never experienced or disregards the trials that come with living with a rare or chronic illness.” 

SFS maintains that any policy that may limit access to treatments, put the government between patients and their doctors, or risk the research and development of new therapies is a non-starter. The organization included a “patient pledge” in the roadmap that encourages those who choose to stand against these bad policies and put hope first to sign this pledge and commit to patient-centric policies that will protect patients’ access to medical innovation. 


About Survivors for Solutions 

Survivors for Solutions is a nonprofit, nonpartisan patient advocacy organization created by Multiple Sclerosis survivor John Czwartacki to stand up for those who are in need of solutions for their health challenges but are too often without a voice in Washington. Survivors for Solutions envisions a future that puts an end to illness through advancing cures for all diseases. Survivors for Solutions is determined to put a spotlight on the steps toward reaching that future.   


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