MS Survivor Launches New Patient Advocacy Group

New patient advocacy group launches to promote and protect patients’ access to innovative treatments and therapies


December 8, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, a new patient advocacy group led by a multiple sclerosis survivor launched to promote and protect patients’ access to innovative treatments and therapies. The new advocacy organization Survivors For Solutions (SFS) created by MS survivor John Czwartacki will stand up for patients and advocate for policies that promote and protect access and innovation of new treatments and therapies.

As many of our leaders appear ready to sacrifice medical innovation for the sake of ideological rigidity and misguided budget savings, America needs the research and innovation and the hope they provide to those who are suffering illness. John Czwartacki is launching this project to ensure that victims of disease – such as himself – see their hope is preserved and protected. 

“Survivors are relying on the creation of new medicines and treatments, and most importantly, the hope they provide,” said SFS Chairman John Czwartacki. “Survivors For Solutions aims to unite the shared interests of victims of all diseases in ensuring the pipeline of hope continues.

“The hope that this pipeline provides is unmeasurable,” said Czwartacki. “Whether it’s because of politics or ignorance, public policy shouldn’t be allowed to steal hope from those who need it most with short-sighted, misguided, and harmful policies.”

Survivors For Solutions comes just as the brilliant bipartisan compromise reached in 1984 is about to be undone, ending decades of miraculous medical advances and American leadership. The recent enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) includes a section that allows the government to implement price controls that will disincentivize investments in biopharmaceutical research and development. Already, we are seeing companies cutting funding toward innovation because of the IRA, slowing down the race toward future cures as a result.

“The IRA hurts patients, pure and simple.” said Czwartacki. “Price control policies like those found in the IRA will kill the golden hope we are fighting to protect. I owe the greatest years of my life to medical innovation, and millions of Americans across the country could say the same."

“Survivors For Solutions looks forward to amplifying patients’ stories in order to preserve innovation for years to come,” Czwartacki added.

For more information, please visit Survivors For Solutions’ website:   


About Survivors For Solutions

Survivors For Solutions is a coalition of illness survivors that has too often been without a unified voice and understands the immense value of medical innovation. Survivors For Solutions envisions a future that puts an end to illness through advancing cures for all diseases. Survivors For Solutions is determined to put a spotlight on the steps toward reaching that future. 


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